[PlanetCCRMA] Compile success stories on FC1: Wired & SooperLooper

Christian Frisson theremin at free.fr
Wed Nov 17 01:23:01 PST 2004


	I'm back on FC1 for good after the usual "which OS will ease my musical
creativity these days?". As for the little [OT] story, I was compelled to
install WinXP for work needs (µC in C prog and Illustrator sheets), alone.
Lately I thought: "what if I wait for FC2 to be stable?" No way: let's have a
dual-boot without workarounds!

	Back on tracks: you may have heard of Wired (http://bloodshed.net/wired/?sid=1)
and all the fuss about it. Why not have a try then? To compile the first release
(wired-0.1.tar.gz), I fulfilled the requirements with the following versions,
mostly "straight out of the box" unless specified, as explained on the
SourceForge Discussion Help Forum thread "/!\ INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPILING WIRED
ALSA: 1.0.4-1.cvs.rhfc1.ccrma
GTK2: 2.2.4-5.1
wxGTK: 2.5.3 (from tarball, the latest FC1 / PlanetCCRMA package not being
PortAudio: v19 CVS snapshot (from tarball, no existing FC1 / PlanetCCRMA
SoundTouch: 1.2.1 (idem)
libsndfile: 1.0.10-2.1.fc1.dag (but 1.0.10-2.rhfc1.ccrma should work)

	Don't overlook the compiling tricks from the thread mentionned previously. I
just had pain to compile PortAudio without Jack support, even if it is as
simple as adding a "--without-jack" flag... I don't get the difference between
"--enable" and "--with" (?), so I was trying to "--disable-jack"...

	At last, the program does run, not without quirky messages I presume being
uttered by PortAudio, but I haven't been able myself to set a simple one-track
project featuring a MIDI-triggered beatbox without failure...

	When it comes to SooperLooper, which now supports Jack and OSC, I had pleasure
to compile the latest release (sooperlooper-1.0.0dev20.tar.gz) and fiddle
around with it! Same ALSA / wxGTK versions as above, plus the remaining
Jack: 0.99.0-2.rhfc1.ccrma
libsigc++: 1.2.5-1.rhfc1.ccrma
liblo: 0.13 (from tarball, the latest FC1 / PlanetCCRMA package not being
ncurses: 5.3-9

	I hadn't time yet to try its OSC support, but I like the way it behaves!

	If I knew how to package (?), I'd certainly have done it, mostly for
SooperLooper as I don't think Wired is up to it for now.

Christian Frisson

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