[PlanetCCRMA] Re: can't start ardour

Robert Epprecht epprecht at solnet.ch
Mon Nov 15 05:29:02 PST 2004

Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 18:26:36 +0100, Robert Epprecht <epprecht at solnet.ch> wrote:

>> It's the fc1 version from the planet installed by apt-get dist-upgrade.

> Hum...I didn't think that had vst support, but try running
> ardour --novst 

ardour --novst
ardour: unrecognized option '--novst'
Segmentation fault

> just to humor me.

let's try if we get a better joke:

ardour --with-humor
ardour: unrecognized option '--with-humor'
Segmentation fault

no luck either ;-(

> - Mark
Thank you for trying to help me.
OK I'll try removing and re-installing now...


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