[PlanetCCRMA] 2.4.20-31.1.caps.rh90.ccrmasmp kernel not installing

Noah Garrett Wallach logic at enabled.com
Thu Nov 11 19:46:01 PST 2004

On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 20:17:47 -0500, Matt Barber wrote
> ->
> So I am stuck here with new hardware that redhat 9.0 doesnt boot on
> since it
> cant probe it and does nto have the drivers for most of it<-
> Hi Noah, can you remind me what hardware you have that seems
> incompatible with RH9?  For what it's worth, we have an smp box booting
> from SATA with 2.6 and FC2, and it's pretty stable, but I don't remember
> your hardware conflicts, which are probably quite different.

thanks for following up Matt.  I just installed FC2 for the first time.  its
working fine with the SATA machine and running 2.6 .

there are no conflicts so far with FC2 on these machines - yay!

I am just downloading all the CD-ROMs right now and should be done installing
this box completely really soon.

double yay!



> Matt
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