[PlanetCCRMA] alsa kernel modules: invalid module format

Rick B zajelo3 at cfl.rr.com
Mon Nov 8 14:43:01 PST 2004

Samuel Sieb wrote:

> Aaron Heller wrote:
>> A year or so ago, when I was trying to use alsa kernel modules 
>> compiled for
>> i686 on my M9000 (this is a low-power processor that is missing some
>> optional i686 instructions), I did not get invalid module format error
>> messages like the above.  The modules loaded just fine, but then raised
>> SIGILL (illegal instruction) errors the first time the code was invoked,
>> e.g., when alsactl loads the saved mixer settings.
> But you were probably running the i686 kernel, right?  I'm running an 
> i586 kernel, but the i586 alsa modules are actually labelled as i686, 
> so the kernel says they don't match.
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Sorry, I haven't read he whole thread so I don't know if someone 
suggested this yet, but can you  download the src.rpm and do a "rpmbuild 
--rebuild --target=i586 rpm_name.src.rpm"? Or doesn't rpmbuild recognize 
i586 as a valid target?

                     Rick B

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