[PlanetCCRMA] Audio Presentation

sonar sonar at telaneos.com
Sun Nov 7 14:22:03 PST 2004

Hi all,

I´m very proud to announce that I´ll be doing an audio presentation of 
my Planet CCRMA box at L´université Laval de Québec on the 17 of 
November at 7 PM. The event will take place at le Pavillon Desjardins in 
L´amphitéâtre Hydro-Québec.

I will play live music and present an overview of the system and 
softwares. This is a first time event in Québec city and maybe in the 
whole province ! You are all invited, it´s a free event, so if you are 
near Québec on the 17, you are welcome ! A video will be available on 
the net a few weeks after the presentation.

You can communicate dirrectly with me if you need more info at 
ericdevost at telaneos.com

Thanx to Fernando and everybody on this list for making open source 
audio softwares so easily accessible. Free music is the future for 
musicians !


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