[PlanetCCRMA] no keyboard/mouse after boot into 2.6.8 Q3

Matthew Allen mtallen at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 08:13:01 PST 2004

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 16:27:16 +0100, Louis van Dompselaar
<louis at dompselaar.org> wrote:
> Yup.  Athlon XP 2800+ on MSI board, exactly the same with Q3: no
> input devices.  I've gone back to R9 which I have been running
> for weeks now without problems (and this is my every day work machine).

Yeah I still have a fully functioning 2.4 ccrma partition, I just
wanted to try the 2.6 stuff as it has support for my internal wireless
device, and I wanted to upgrade to the latest gtk 2.0 stuff (which is
built into the FC2 install)

It appears that the kernel problems may be a weird usb thing




Fernando is the source for the planetedge kernels up on the ccrma
servers? I may try and compile USB directly into the kernel (this
could take a looooong time seeings as it will be my first foray into


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