[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Fedora Core 2 (was: Kernel 2.6.7-1.437.1 & 1394)

chun lee leechun at leechun.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Nov 2 06:35:02 PST 2004

On 2/11/04 10:23 am, "Ingo Lantschner (Lists)" <ingo.lists at vum.at> wrote:

> chun lee wrote:
>> I am running the ccrma kernel 2.6.7-1.437.1 on Fedora Core 2. Just wondering
>> if this kernel is 1394 ready?
> hmh, interesting, can you use the Planet CCRMA Kernel on Fedora Core 2?
> I thought from the documentation, that it is only for Core 1.

Yes, this kernel is compiled for rhfc2, I have been running it for several
months now. I got his kernel through automatic upgrade of apt-get. I have
also been running jack with it for several weeks now and no problems there
(for what I am doing anyway).



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