[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Midi mozilla package/plugin

Emiliano Grilli emiliano.grilli at poste.it
Wed May 26 01:36:00 PDT 2004

mercoledì, 26 maggio 2004 alle 10:18:39, Axel Thimm ha scritto:
> On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 06:31:23PM -0400, BTC wrote:
> > Is there a package that will play midi files through mozilla in any of
> > the associated repos?  I'm not having luck finding one.  I would try to
> > set up mozilla-plugger but I have no idea what to configure it to use.
> I guess someone at planetccrma will know how to do this, so Ccing the
> planetccrma list. :)

I installed mozplugger and I can listen to midifiles trough mozilla (I
suspect using timidity):

HTH ciao
Emiliano Grilli
Linux user #209089 

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