[PlanetCCRMA] pd-flext - flext

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando@ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat May 8 10:52:02 2004

> Trying to install pd-flext i get dependencies errors.
> message:
> Fehler: Failed dependencies:
>          flext <= 0.4.5 conflicts with pd-flext-0.4.5-1.cvs.rhfc1.ccrma
> E: Unterprozesss /bin/rpm gab Fehlercode zurück (1)
> I tried to remove flext, but isn't possible with pd-flext and vv.

On which version of RedHat/Fedora? It would seem you already have a
version of flext installed. Which one? ("rpm -q -i flext"). What exactly
happens if you try to do a "rpm -e flext"?

-- Fernando