[PlanetCCRMA] nvidia and kernel source?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Mar 23 14:34:01 PST 2004

> I am finally getting around to installing drivers for my geforce.
> I tried to download kernel sources for fedora core but from the site I
> couldn't figure out what its name was.

Try this:
  apt-get install kernel-source
This will list what is available. Choose the option that matches your
kernel and install that, as i:
  apt-get install kernel-source#KERNEL_VERSION

> I also thought I saw nvida driver rpms with apt-cache search but
> couldn't figure out which one to use and or if they were from Planet's
> archives or elsewhere.

I don't provide ready to run nvidia drivers...
-- Fernando

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