[PlanetCCRMA] oxygen 8 ??

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Mon Mar 22 04:48:02 PST 2004

HI all,

browsing the archives, I found part of a thread on getting an 
M-Audi/Midiman Oxygen 8 USB keyboard running. However, I can find 
neither the birth nor the conclusion of the story ;-)

If anyone here has gotten it running, could they post a short 
description of how it was possible? I have tried doing things with the 
usb-audio module, but to no avail.

Incidentally, Nando writes on the website that this hardware is not 
supported, but the thread I found was titled "Oxygen8 works, but...", 
and this leads me to beleive otherwise.


derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 103:
"Left channel, right channel, centre channel"

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