[PlanetCCRMA] Still no sound ...

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Mar 13 12:00:03 PST 2004

> This is dumb, but I can't seem to remember how to upgrade to alsa 1.0.2 
> (or to 1.0.3, although you seemed to recommend against that).
> Is it just
> apt-get upgrade alsa   (?)
> That just gets me "0 packages  upgraded."
> apt-get install alsa
> doesn't do it either.  Can you just remind me of what I should be doing 
> here?  (Acually, I kind of thought that "apt-get dist-upgrade" covered 
> all packages, including alsa ... not so?)

yes and no. ALSA is part of the planetccrma-core-* meta package
(together with the kernel and midishare at this point). So the best way
to upgrade ALSA is to do:
  apt-get install planetccrma-core
(or whatever you choose when you installed originally). 

Currently there is a 1.0.3 version of ALSA in a testing repository that
you have to manually add (temporarily) to your sources.list file (in
/etc/apt/). Just copy the line that contains "planetcore" and replace
"planetcore" with "planetedge". Then "apt-get update" and "apt-get
install planetccrma-core" should give you the latest. 

I should have released this last week but I had no time. 

-- Fernando

> >Once you get upgraded to 1.0.3, would you check those DXS faders
> >again and see if you get distortions at different settings? I have, and
> >really should submit a bug report, but am not real motivated to do it
> >without some verification of the problem from another snd-via user.
> >
> >Take care,
> >Mark
> >
> >
> >  
> >
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