[PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic 4.7.2.beta released

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri Mar 12 10:05:03 PST 2004

> > Thanks for the explanation! Actually the current cmucl running on FC1 is
> > just a very ugly hack (hopefully temporary). The only way I could make
> > it work at all was to use the loader program from RedHat _9_!, and use a
> > LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 environment variable which I think turns off nptl
> > amongst other things. I'm actually surprised it works at all :-)
> > 
> > Another detail on nptl, does it make a difference to run under a redhat
> > kernel or the planetccrma kernel? (I have not had time to test the new
> > OM version). When running the Planet CCRMA kernel (which does not
> > include nptl support) glibc uses the old threading model...
> I've tested it and here are the results:
>  - 2.4.22-1.2140.nptl.caps.rhfc1.ccrma: lisp makes a core dump
>  - 2.4.24-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma: lisp works
>  - 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl: lisp makes a core dump

Hmmm, strange, it used to work. I'll have to retest and see what's going
on. It could be nptl but it is also possible that stack guard (or
something named like that) that is part of the Fedora distro kernels may
be responsible, self modifying code and some sort of jump tables do not
work (I had to initially use cvs clisp because of that). 

> So we really have a problem with CMUCL and NPTL.
> In theory, we should recompile CMUCL for Fedora, but CMUCL compilation
> looks like it's not that easy: the doc says that you need a Common Lisp
> to compile it.

I spent two full days trying to do that and failed (before I found the
workaround). I managed to get things to compile but I could never get it
to run without crashing at startup. 

-- Fernando

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