[PlanetCCRMA] OpenMusic for redhat 9
Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Mar 11 09:15:02 PST 2004
> Trying to run openmusic, but have some problems.
> First, omlinux seems to depend on the following
> packages: gtk-canvas-devel and midishare-player-devel.
The first one I knew about, the second I didn't......
> Then I get the following error:
> Error in function UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER: Segmentation Violation at #x0.
> [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
> Restarts:
> 0: [CONTINUE] Return NIL from load of "/usr/lib/openmusic/musicproject.x86f".
> 1: [ABORT ] Skip remaining initializations.
> Debug (type H for help)
> (UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER #<unused-arg>
> #<unused-arg>
> Source: Error finding source:
> Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no longer
> exists:
> target:code/signal.lisp.
> 0]
> Any tips?
Are you sure you have the midishare kernel module loaded? OM does not
deal gracefully with its absence...
/sbin/chkconfig --add MidiShare
to add it,
/etc/rc.d/init.d/MidiShare start
to start it manually.
-- Fernando
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