[PlanetCCRMA] Still no sound ...

Bruce Elliott belliott4488 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 10 20:26:02 PST 2004

Hi, Planet CCRMAnians,

I joined the planet at the end of last year, and was doing okay until I 
got to the step of installing Jack.  That didn't work, ALSA stopped 
working, I got frustrated, and I've just been working with a silent PC 
for the past few months.

I'm ready to try again, but I don't know how far back in the process to 
go.  I've done apt-get dist-upgrade, so I think I'm up-to-date.  Alsa 
seems to be running, but I get no sound when I try aplay 
-device="plughw" soundfile.wav.

Where should I start in my attempt to get things working?


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