[PlanetCCRMA] Are the cdrom images updated?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Mar 6 13:52:01 PST 2004

> First i want to thank everybody (and foremost to fernando lópez) as i'm
> in the process of changing my personal composition studio from Windows to
> Linux. To find precompiled and organized packages in one central
> repository is a great help for anyone in my position.
> Now I have a little question. Are the cdrom images [located in
> http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/downloadcdroms.html]
> updated to the last version of the planet (2004-02-02)?

No, they are very old. I'm always meaning to update the images but there
is always something more urgent to do. 

I'll try to release a new version this coming week. 

> And third, i'm deeply interested in the OpenMusic Environment and all
> commonmusic/lisp stuff, so I want to know what is the state of this
> environment (are they working fine with fluidsynth, midishare, etc) or
> must i wait for a more stable release in this branch (in particular i
> prefer not to troubleshoot this packages to start using them ASAP).

OpenMusic is not yet available for Fedora. The next release from IRCAM
will support it (hopefully coming soon). On RH9 OM is working with
fluidsynth through midishare. The current version of Common Music does
support midi output through MidiShare and can connect to fluidsyth as

-- Fernando

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