[PlanetCCRMA] upgrade storm... too many to list in the subject line :-)

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Tue Mar 2 23:55:02 PST 2004

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

>Hi all, some upgrades and additions to the Planet CCRMA world:
>First, the "ladspa-sdk" package name has changed to "ladspa" to not
>conflict with other package repositories. This change should be
>transparent to users of RedHat 7.3/8.0/9. One caveat for Fedora Core 1
>users: this name changed uncovered a bug in rpm. The only workaround I
>could find was to obsolete the old packages through a _third_ unrelated
>package (currently the old packages are obsoleted both in
>"planetccrma-audioapps" and "planetccrma-audiovideoapps"). 
>If you don't have those meta packages installed you will need to
>manually erase ladspa-sdk-* and reinstall... 
>  rpm -e --nodeps ladspa-sdk ladspa-sdk-example-plugins
>  apt-get -f install
>Second, liblrdf has been updated to version 0.3.5. This has required the
>rebuild of terminatorX, rosegarden4 and jack-rack. The new versions have
>the same functionality but are now linked with the new liblrdf (the
>other packages using liblrdf are being upgraded, see below). 
>* qsynth: updated to version 0.1.3-1.
>* swami: updated to version 0.9.2-1.
>* amSynth: updated to version 1.0.0-1.
>* jackEQ: updated to version 0.4.0-1.
>* alsa modular synth: updated to version 1.7.6-1.
>* audacity: updated to version 1.2.0-1.
>* soundtracker: updated to version 0.6.7-1. 
>* mcp plugins: updated to version 0.2.2-1.
>* galan: updated to version 0.3.0-0.beta4.1.
>* spiralSynthModular: updated to version 0.2.2-0.rc2.1.
>* ardour: updated to version 0.9beta11.2-1.
>* simsam 0.1.7-1 (not available in RH7.3).
>* specimen 0.2.2-1
>Enough for now....... new kernels and alsa coming soon!
>As usual more details about the upgrades are in the ChangeLog online.
>-- Fernando
Wow! looking forward to the new audacity and ardour ... and alsa as 
atrpms currently has a later version than planetccrma
Any plans to upgrade xmms? :-)


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