[PlanetCCRMA] Amsynth font

Dan Harper tech at danharper.org
Mon Jun 21 19:50:01 PDT 2004

Hi Jason,

Not sure about the font size, but you could probably remove or hack the
files that amsyth puts in your home directory (.amSynthrc).


On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 11:48, Jason Balicki wrote:
> Um...  I was screwing around and changed the font
> from the default in AmSynth.  Now it looks like
> crap and I don't know what the default was.
> Yes, yes, I learned my lesson.  :)
> Could someone be so kind as to tell me what
> the default font and size is so I can get it
> back to normal?
> Thanks,
> --J(K)
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Dan Harper

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