[PlanetCCRMA] added: ALPHA version of Planet Core components for FC2

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Jun 19 16:17:01 PDT 2004

> Well, I've given the stuff a try and I can say for sure your kernel
> outperforms 2.6.6 vanilla or arjanv's 2.6.6.  So thanks.  My testing has
> been really light thus far; starting jackd -R -d alsa -d hw:0,
> connecting a client or two and fiddling around.  I get more xruns than
> 2.4 but not an unbearable amount.  The real test will be running ardour
> (dunno when I'll try that).
> I meant to chime in with my report sooner but real life intervenes...

No, this is fine, thanks for the report... good to know that at least
the computer is booting and jack starts :-)

> Oh one more thing, I can never seem to find/get the kernel-source
> packages installed, where the heck are they for your 2.6.7 beast?

Yes, this time I did not make a specific page for the 2.6.7 kernel. You
can find all source rpms (hopefully) at:


-- Fernando

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