[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma Kernel & Script Handling

Jose Castillo pepesaurus22 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 09:30:02 PDT 2004

>It would help if you could describe your problems in more detail, and on
>which version of RedHat / Fedora this is happening and under which

>-- Fernando

Yes, the problem is happening when I install the new kernel (2.4.26.ccrma) through the apt internet Sources. Then I download and copy the alsaconf script into the bin directory, and while trying to run it, I have the following error

bash: alsaconf: Permission Denied.

Same thing happens when I try to install Sun Java SDK through the console.

I try:


then I get

/bash/sh: java_sdk_1.4.0-2.bin: Permission Denied.

Those commands are executed through the console with full su/root permissions.

Thanks in advance


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