[PlanetCCRMA] E:Couldn't find package
Chris Perkins
chris.perkins at aer-rianta.ie
Wed Jul 21 18:34:01 PDT 2004
I'm sure this is a real silly question but I just can't find the answer.
I think I have everything set correctly but I still can not get the alsa
drivers to install or even all the audio tools in the core package. I am
sure it has something to do with my sources.list or apt.config but I'm not
sure what do to about it.
I was able to run a dist-upgrade from the cd's no problem but installs
always result in E:Couldn't find package
I have also downloaded the rpm for audacity and I'm not sure where to put
that to get it to load either. Even if I did though I am sure it would
error out the same way.
The machine has no Internet connection so I am using the cd's and ftp to get
the files over from a machine that does have internet access.
I am running RedHat 9 with the ccrma kernel installed and running. Here is
the result of apt-get:
[root at brewer root]# apt-get -o RPM::Install-Options::=--oldpackage install
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package planetcc:core
My sources.list read
# Package repository URLs
# Planet CCRMA for RedHat 9
# Main site, CCRMA, California, USA
# rpm http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386 os updates
# rpm http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/all/en/i386
# rpm http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386 planetcore
# rpm http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386
# source rpms
# rpm-src http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/all/en/i386
# Mirrors: IRCAM, Paris, France
# rpm http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/mirrors/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386
os updates
# rpm http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/mirrors/planetccrma/apt/
redhat/all/en/i386 planetccrma
# rpm http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/mirrors/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386
# rpm http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/mirrors/planetccrma/apt/ redhat/9/en/i386
rpm cdrom:[update]/ apt/redhat/9/i386 updates
rpm cdrom:[ccrma apps]/ apt/redhat/9/en/i386 planet_ccrma
rpm cdrom:[ccrma core]/ apt/redhat/9/en/i386 planet_core
and apt.conf
// $Id: apt.conf,v 1.11 2003/02/23 16:14:11 dude Exp $
// See the apt.conf(5) man page for syntax and all available options
Clean-Installed "false";
Get {
Assume-Yes "false";
Download-Only "false";
Show-Upgraded "true";
Fix-Broken "false";
Ignore-Missing "false";
Compile "false";
Acquire {
Retries "0";
Http {
Proxy ""; // http://user:pass@host:port/
Ignore { };
Hold { };
Allow-Duplicated { "^kernel$"; "^kernel-"; "^kmodule-"; "^gpg-pubkey$"
Options { };
Install-Options { "--oldpackage" };
Erase-Options "";
Source {
Build-Command "rpmbuild --rebuild";
Any help would be geatly appreciated.
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