[PlanetCCRMA] doing a presentation?

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue Jul 20 07:02:01 PDT 2004

On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 05:34:06AM -0700, Oded Ben-Tal wrote:
> I'm planning to present my work next week, and was hoping to get some 
> advice about using planetccrma.
> 1) how easy/difficult is it to get RH9 talking with the projection 
> equipment? 

Depends on the graphics hardware.

> 1a) is it possible to check if its working at home without the projector 
> somehow?

Its similar to using an external monitor - if you get it running at
1024x768 you /should/ be OK.

> 2) how relieble this is?

Very much depends on the hardware.

> 3) how good/bad is using open-office presentation application

Its acceptable. Its basicly the same as powerpoint.

> 4) any other simple better application?

Yes, magicpoint, but it has a learning curve. Open office is WYSIWYG,
magicpoint is driven by a text file. If you do a lot of presentations its
worth learning magicpoint.

> I'm running planetCCRMA on an IBM thinkpad running RH9.

Which model? You may need to google for config files. I haven't got my
T41p reliably working with projectors at > 648x480 yet. Seems to depend on
the sync rate. Major problem on the IBM is that the LCD/CRT control
(Fn+F7) doesnt do anything under Linux. My old dell worked very reliably
in this respect.

- Steve

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