[PlanetCCRMA] Hardware question

Jaakko H Kyro jkyro at pp.htv.fi
Tue Jul 20 05:10:01 PDT 2004

On Friday 16 July 2004 20:10, Björn Elenfors wrote:
> Hi again!


> Nobody seems to know SiS under Linux.

That migh be because with SiS there are no problems ;)

> What do you guys run?
> Are the VIA experiences based on old and low-level cards and
> more modern cards such as the Asus A7V600 working better?

Been running an ECS K7S5A el cheapo board for about a year now. It's got a SiS 
735 chipset, haven't noticed any glitches. The performance has been 
sufficient for my needs. 

Jaakko Kyrö

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