[PlanetCCRMA] Re: Size Mismatch Problem

Andrew Wilson djazz at myrealbox.com
Mon Jul 19 03:36:01 PDT 2004


Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion.

>> fail to download with a "Size Mismatch" error.  I left it for a
>> while to see if it was a temporary error due to a repository update
>> etc.  However I have been getting the error for a couple of weeks
>> now. 

>I don't have any issues. This is commonly seen on >cached lines. Do you have a transparent squid or >otherwise, you can turn off? Or is your ISP doing the caching for you?

I am not running any local proxy or caching.  My ISP does run a proxy so I need to confirm that this is not the problem.  

However the problem has been extending over a couple of weeks which is a long time to hold something in cache.  Also the update process was working fine on Fedora Core 1 (plus RH9 and RH8).  It was also possible to retrieve using wget (also http).

My guess is still with something I have broken, but I am game to check anything.



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