[PlanetCCRMA] Re: yum

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Thu Jul 15 03:14:01 PDT 2004

Axel Thimm wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 09:04:40AM +0200, David Fraser wrote:
>>Axel Thimm wrote:
>>>On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 08:45:09PM -0700, Florin Andrei wrote:
>>>>Any chance to yum-ify the Planet repository?
>>>>apt is fine and dandy, but PlanetCCRMA is based on Fedora, and it seems
>>>>like the majority of Fedora users prefer yum - and most of the other
>>>>Fedora software repositories are based on yum or at least yum-enabled.
>>>I agree that yum support in PlanetCCRMA would be nice. But there are
>>>still more apt users in fedora that yum users, even though yum comes
>>>with the CDs shipped. At least that's what my web stats say (3:1) and
>>>I know freshrpms has similar stats.
>>>BTW you need to make stats based on visitors, not hits, as yum
>>>generates quite a lot of hits ...
>>I know this is a bit off-topic, but can anyone explain exactly why yum 
>>was written? It seems to just be a copy of apt to me... I haven't been 
>>able to find any information on the web on real feature comparisons 
>>between the two
>The most striking advantage is that yum is smaller than apt and thus
>easier to maintain and code review. That and the fact that it didn't
>have the political stamp of Debian on it was the reason RH chose to
>add it to Fedora (but note that up2date supports apt repos, too!)
>Here is yum author's reasoning (http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/questions.ptml):
> Q. Why not just use apt-rpm?
> A. a number of reasons:
>   1. I didn't wanna
>   2. At the time yum started apt didn't do a number of things I
>      needed and it didn't do a number of other things very nicely
>   3. I wanted to learn python
>   4. yum is relatively pretty and relatively nice and has
>      significantly less legacy baggage than apt
>   5. Size of codebase in apt (find -name \*.cc | xargs wc -l): 40141
>      Size of codebase in yum (find -name \*.py | xargs wc -l): 4681
>   6. Yum is written in python and therefore can benefit from code
>      theft from anaconda and up2date - I did indeed steal the lilo
>      updating code directly from up2date and learned A LOT from
>      anaconda.
>The list looked different and caused grief at the apt lists
>>That's FUD. When you have nothing else to say you just use
>>something like this. Yum's maintainer himself (which is subscribed
>>to this list, IIRC) said that this was introduced in the FAQ to
>>shut up people that was always bothering about why not using APT-RPM.
Thanks Axel and Steve, I have a better picture now...


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