[PlanetCCRMA] sequencers comparison

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Sat Jan 31 15:04:01 PST 2004

I find that Rosegarden does all that you want, although it is not
incredibly "inspiration" friendly. Also, I have been experiencing a lot
of random crashed with version .96. It doesn't seem as if the autosave
feature is working either, although I understand that the latest CVS
version does have autosave working. All in all, though, it seems to fit
the bill nicely. I dabbled with Muse, but found Rosegarden to be more
user friendly, but that may simply be my inexperience with Muse showing

-Joe D

On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 17:23, Florin Andrei wrote:
> I know there were some discussions not too long ago about sequencers,
> but i'd like to ask the questions in a slightly different way.
> I'm looking for a decent sequencer for Linux. It's not required to be a
> "Logic/Cubase/Pro Tools/Sonar killer" (although it would be great :-D),
> but i'd like it to perform a few basic tasks well.
> Must-have features:
> - record and play multiple MIDI tracks
> - record and play multiple sound tracks
> - MIDI and sound must be able to blend freely in a project (i.e. record
> and play arbitrary combinations of MIDI and sound tracks simultaneously)
> - overdub multiple sound tracks into one (or two)
> - fine-grained MIDI editing (edit individual keystrokes' parameters such
> as velocity, timing adjustments)
> - automatic tool to move slightly off-beat keystrokes to a fixed
> temporal grid which is defined in the program (therefore making "perfect
> performance" timing-wise)
> - sound editing abilities (features such as "snap to pass-through-zero"
> would be nice)
> - LADSPA filters
> - play a metronome through a MIDI or sound channel
> - works with JACK and ALSA
> - does not crash
> Nice-to-have features:
> - the editors (MIDI, sound) and, generally, the whole app must be
> user-friendly and inspiration-friendly :-) (when the inspiration
> possesses you, it's not a good thing to start fumbling through some
> crappy interface and make a thousand mouse clicks just to do some
> trivial operation - every second lost is precious)
> - music notation
> - some kind of interoperability with related apps
> Essentially, in the free software world, it's either Muse or Rosegarden.
> Has any of you extensive experience with both applications? Which one is
> a better fit for the description above?
> Thanks,

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