[PlanetCCRMA] Re: nvidia

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at physik.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jan 26 14:16:02 PST 2004


On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 11:06:42AM +0000, tdunstan at ihug.com.au wrote:
> i was just wondering if someone could help me with installing nvidia drivers 
> for my ti4200.

I have packaged nvidia rpms for PlanetCCRMA's FC1 kernel at


The latest four nvidia drivers are supported (4363, 4496, 4620, 5328)
and all ccrma kernel flavours/archs (smp/up and i686/athlon/i586). You
can install all four nvidia drivers simultanously and use a script


to switch from outside X (make sure lsmod has no old nvidia drivers
lying around).

You need a non-kmdl and a kmdl rpm, i.e. for an smp/i686 4620 driver
you should use:


If you install multiple nvidia drivers make sure you use the script
above at the end.

There is a litte quirk yet: you need to install a fake rpm carrying
dependency hooks for ccrma kernels:


While Nando and I effectively have the same mechanism for ensuring
strict matching kernels to kernel modules, we have given them
different internal namings. Nando and I should sync our
naming/versioning conventions, so that these auxiliary rpms are not
needed in the next kernels we will craft.

This is the first in depth cross repo build I am doing, I hope it
works well! :)

If there is demand I can build more kernel module packages from ATrpms
for PlanetCCRMA's high performance kernel. I think all ATrpms kernel
modules but the ones requiring v4l2 would build.
Axel.Thimm at physik.fu-berlin.de
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