[PlanetCCRMA] Help for a poor newbie
alfonso.santimone at tin.it
Fri Jan 23 01:36:02 PST 2004
Thanx a lot Fernando!
I've anyway seen that my system has a very low latency when i use some
programs.....the ZynSyn is great in this area....RoseGarden seems to be
not so good....Ardour and Muse are ok ...
Notice that i'm workin with a 128 sample buffer in the Jack Server....
I have a few question.....
Does anybody have some success installing Wine (latest) on Fedora Core 1?
When i start Linux partition when i first turn on the computer, the RME
Multiface keeps his error led on....i have to restart my windows
partition and then restart Linux again, and everything works
good....maybe alsa have some trouble in this area?
Anyway when i succesfully load my "Multifaced" Linux i have first to
start the TotalMix alsa to heard sounds from my RME...any idea?
May be i'll be here for a lot of question...i'm really a noobie
thnax again and congrats for you work Fernando
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