[PlanetCCRMA] ardour won't run

Taybin Rutkin taybin at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 21 04:39:01 PST 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 07:20, derek holzer wrote:
> Joe,
> did you look at the docs in the actual SFDB app? It is here:
> http://www.equalarea.com/paul/sfdb.tar.gz

That app is quite old and isn't used by Ardour anymore.

> It really looks like you are simply missing one file which tells Ardour 
> where all your sound files are located--the SoundFileDataBase [sfdb]. 
> Did you try creating such a file as I recommended earlier?

Did you update to the latest Ardour?  The missing sfdb bug should have
been fixed.


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