[PlanetCCRMA] weird behaviour from apt-get

Keenan Pepper cherylgpepper at comcast.net
Tue Jan 20 14:07:01 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 00:45, Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> Hmmm, well, have you checked? What is the output of, for example:
>   rpm -q fftw
> or
>   rpm -q wxGTK
> Most probably you will find that you have duplicated packages. The only
> way I know this can happen is if you install a package with "-ivh"
> instead or "-Uvh". Let us know what you find. 

Allrite, i checked with "rpm -q" and i actually do have two versions of
all those packages, in most cases one from PlanetCCRMA and one from
freshrpms.net. So i removed the older version of each pair with "rpm -e"
and apt-get doesn't complain anymore. Is there a way to configure
apt-get so it always uses "rpm -Uvh" instead of "rpm -ivh", so this
doesn't happen again?

> That _is_ very strange. It should happen, or not. It should not be
> intermittent at all. 
> -- Fernando

Yeah, it was definitely intermittent. Look at what i got (before i
removed the duplicates) just by running "apt-get update" twice in
succession, without changing anything:

[root at localhost root]# apt-get update
Get:1 http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386 release [1811B]
Fetched 1811B in 0s (4297B/s)
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/core pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/core release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/updates pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/updates release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetcore pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetcore release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma srclist
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: There are multiple versions of "fftw" in your system.
This package won't be cleanly updated, unless you leave
only one version. To leave multiple versions installed,
you may remove that warning by setting the following
option in your configuration file:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated { "^fftw$"; };
To disable these warnings completely set:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
W: There are multiple versions of "wxGTK" in your system.

-----many more duplicated package warnings cut out-----

To disable these warnings completely set:
RPM::Allow-Duplicated-Warning "false";
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
[root at localhost root]# apt-get update
Get:1 http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386 release [1811B]
Fetched 1811B in 0s (6789B/s)
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/core pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/core release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/updates pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/updates release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetcore pkglist
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetcore release
Hit http://planetccrma.cait.org fedora/1/i386/planetccrma srclist
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
[root at localhost root]#

Why would it give all those warnings the first time and not the second
time? It made me think it had fixed the problem automatically, until it
started giving the warnings again. If it isn't an actual bug, it's
definitely not user-friendly.

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