[PlanetCCRMA] Introduction & Help needed...

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Wed Jan 14 12:19:00 PST 2004

JTS wrote:

> Well, I did end up reading the documentation on the site and got the 
> packages installed. The problem I have is now I can't run X Windows. ;) 
> I installed the newest gcc I could find and installed the latest NVIDIA 
> display drivers a couple of days ago, which seem to be in conflict with 
> the ALSA/CCRMA stuff. 

Ooops. I will leave that for somebody else here. Maybe you could tell us 
what vidcard you have, and maybe somebody else here has it working with 
drivers that jive with the Planet.

I'll just ask simply: Is there ANY way of just
> enabling Digital Output in Linux itself for the emu10k1 driver, or do I 
> need to have all the extra stuff installed to make that happen?

Specifically what you need are your Alsa drivers configured. Since I 
haven't used the Emu cards, I can't tell you exactly what the 
configuration needs to be, but it all starts with the Alsa section of 
your /etc/modules.conf file.

If you have the main the Alsa packages installed [Alsa-driver, Alsa-lib, 
Alsa-utils] you could try running alsaconf [in terminal window] to see 
if that figures out what your /etc/modules.conf file needs to look like.

If that doesn't work, find your card on the soundcard matrix at 
www.alsa-project.org and see if it has any special notes. Read the docs 
there about what your configuration file should look like.

If you are still in the dark, search around this list, the Alsa list or 
Linux-Audio-Users list for a working /etc/modules.conf.

Good luck!

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 78:
"Go outside.  Shut the door."

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