[PlanetCCRMA] Introduction & Help needed...

derek holzer derek at x-i.net
Wed Jan 14 03:58:00 PST 2004

Honestly, before you donwload anything else, you should probably read 
the friendly documentation that is on the site. It provides a 
step-by-step to setting up a Digital Audio Workstation under Linux, and 
this will be much better and less of a headache than trying to install 
individual packages. Pay particular attention to the sections of setting 
up the kernel and the Alsa drivers [which are what you need for your 

However, if all you are interested in are the drivers for the soundcard, 
all you would need to do is follow the instructions for installing and 
configuring ALSA on the CCRMA website.

Also, if you want to download CD images, take the PlanetCCRMA Core and 
the Planet CCRMA apps. Then follow the directions for installing Apt and 
use it [or its graphical frontend Synaptic] to choose the packages you 
would like to install. You can also use Aptor Synaptic to get all the 
updates, so the Updates CD is really the last thing you would want to 

good luck,

JTS wrote:
> I just installed Linux for the fist time ever on Friday, so I'm still 
> pretty new to the OS.  ANywho, I've got a Sound Blaster Live! Value 
> (WDM) that needs to have Digital Output enabled.  I don't think in Red 
> Hat 9 (the distro I chose to go with) that this is possible without 
> downloading other things.  So I'm at the Planet CCRMA website looking at 
> it in wonderment.  I'm curious what exactly I need to download to get 
> this sound card up & running in Linux.
> Here's what I have downloaded and not installed so far:
> apt-0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90.i386.rpm
> apt-devel-0.5.5cnc6-1.rh90.i386.rpm
> planetccrma-core-i386-9-20031014.img
> planetccrma-i386-9-20031014.img
> and I'm in the process of downloading:  planetccrma-updates-9-20031014.img
> Does anyone know if this is all I need or is there more?   Any help 
> would be GREATLY appreciated.  This silence REALLY sucks.  Thanks in 
> advance!

derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 166:
"Use an unacceptable colour"

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