[PlanetCCRMA] Hi there.

Mark Knecht markknecht at comcast.net
Sun Jan 11 09:01:01 PST 2004

On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 08:07, John Bjorne wrote:
> Hi there. Total and complete novice here. So green its not even funny.  I 
> mean, I can get around in Windows and on the Mac but this is my first 
> exposure to Linux. First stupid question: Does it matter whether or not I 
> burn the disc images for Fedora on the Mac and then install it on a PC?
> Thanks, John Bjorne.

   Whether by luck or good fortune I think for a total newbie your
discovery of PlanetCCRMA is probably one of the best you could have
made. Stick with it.

1) No, it doesn't matter where you burn the disk. The one trick is to
make sure you are burning the iso image as a disk, and not just writing
the iso image to the CDR disk. When you're done burning, look at the
disk on your PC or Mac and make sure you see what looks like a top
directory and not just a single .iso file. If everything goes well the
CD will be bootable.

2) Next point, make sure your intended PC can boot from a CD. (duh..)

3) Before you start installing anything, including Fedora, you might
want to post back the sort of machine you're thinking of using and what
it's hardware is. Folks here could tell you ahead of time what sort of
problems you might run into.

4) Don't spend ANY money on sound cards and the like before asking

   All in all, Linux is a really great environment and while I think it
will not replace your PC or Mac (nor mine...) it can be a great addition
to your audio environment if you don't set your expectations too high
and use it for what it does best and what you need.

Good luck!

- Mark

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