[PlanetCCRMA] updates: muse, added: pd-chaos, pd-creb, pd-cxc
Olaf Giesbrecht
Olaf_Giesbrecht at Yahoo.de
Sun Jan 11 07:15:01 PST 2004
i have the same problem with muse (it segfaults instead of saving)!
it does not happen every time. it depends on the file i want to save:
with some files saving works, with some not. and most interesting: it
can happen, that a file i was able to save, is unsaveable if i try it
again one hour later...
the problem started on friday afternoon (i think i did no update on
friday, only some audio-recording and midi-editing in muse and checking
my mails) and i updated muse on saturday and the problem is still
greetings olaf
Am Son, 2004-01-11 um 13.59 schrieb Crispin:
> > Hi all... it may not seem like that but I've been very busy :-)
> > Some updates and additions:
> >
> > * updated muse to version 0.6.3
> Hello
> I've recently been having problems with an (older) version of muse on
> RH9 - the one on the 2003/10/14 iso image - it segfaults instead of
> saving, which makes music production tricky. Probably an upgrade will
> fix this...
> But I still can't find instructions on how to upgrade a single package
> like this, resolving all the conflicts (fluidsynth and muse seem to
> demand different versions of ladcca). I don't have a 'net connection at
> home so have to carry packages around on cd. "rpm -ihv" doesn't let me
> have both muse and ladcca; I haven't figured out how to use apt to
> install an rpm.
> Can anyone help please?
> thanks
http://www.audio4linux.de - musikmachen mit offenen quellen !
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