[PlanetCCRMA] GPG key ?

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Jan 3 16:53:00 PST 2004

> guys, I'm just frolicking around with PlanetCCRMA, but my APT
> (apt-0.5.15cnc1-0.fdr.3.1) refuses to install since, 
> 	Unsigned /var/cache/apt/archives/faad2_2.0-1.rc3.rhfc1.ccrma_i386.rpm: sha1 md5 OK
> 	E: Error: 1 unsigned packages
> the package is unsigned. Any chances of having a GPG signature and
> signing the packages?

It is in my evergrowing list of things to do. Maybe there is an option
in that package to disable this check? What is the contents of your

-- Fernando

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