[PlanetCCRMA] JACK 0.94 with RH9, 2.6.3 kernel, and Intel 810

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Feb 28 11:46:01 PST 2004

> > > > > I'm having some trouble getting JACK to start
> > > > > (output appended at the end). It looks like it can't
> > > > > find my sound card, which is actually the onboard
> > > > > Intel 810. My hunch is that I'm not telling it how to
> > > > > find the sound card correctly.
> [ . . .]
> > 
> > Which version of alsa do you have installed?
> > ("rpm -q -a |grep ^alsa")
> > Are the ALSA device files there? "ls -l /dev/snd/"
>     I have version 1.0.2 installed:

Not really :-)

> [root at chemp /]# rpm -q -a | grep ^alsa
> alsa-lib-1.0.2-1

You only have the alsa user space libraries, that is just a tiny part of
alsa (important but does nothing without the alsa kernel modules). What
does rpm -q -i alsa-lib say? I don't think that version is part of Planet
CCRMA at all. How did you start using Planet CCRMA? Did you go through the
section on configuring sound in the web pages? (it involves installing a
low latency kernel and the matching alsa drivers).

> The sort-of-good news is that /dev/snd doesn't exist:
> [root at chemp /]# cd /dev/snd
> bash: cd: /dev/snd: No such file or directory
>     What the devil does this mean? XMMS plays mp3s
> fine-- doesn't that go through /dev/snd? <starts
> typing furiously into Google search box>

Xmms is just using OSS, the drivers that come with the original kernel. It
is not using ALSA at all (it can't since you don't really have alsa
installed and configured).

What repositories do you have enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list?
What does "apt-get check" say?
-- Fernando

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