[PlanetCCRMA] added: xmms-ladspa, caps, omlinux; updated: tap-plugins, ladcca, fluidsynth, vkeybd

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 25 10:11:01 PST 2004

> [cut]
> > * added omlinux (Open Music for Linux) version 4.7.1.beta-1 (also added
> >   the required gtk-canvas and clg packages).
> [cut]
> I have try to run omlinux and it doesn't start.
> First error:
> ; Loading #p"/usr/lib/cmucl/lib/cl-gtk/cl-gtk.x86f".
> ;;; Running /usr/bin/ld...
> Error in function LOAD-FOREIGN:  /usr/bin/ld failed:
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgtk-canvas
> The workaround I found is to add the following symlink (# means root
> shell):
> # cd /usr/lib/gtk-canvas/lib
> # ln -s libgtk-canvas.so.1 libgtk-canvas.so

Or install gtk-canvas-devel, which has that link. Normally .so files are
part of the "-devel" packages.... Clg should be linking against
libgtk-canvas.so.1, I guess. 

> Second error:
> Error in function UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER:  Segmentation Violation at #x0.
>    [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
> Here it's MidiShare which is not started (don't ask me why it's a
> segmentation violation).
> Be sure that you have a running MidiShare by using:
> $ MidiGetVersion
> 187
> If MidiGetVersion returns:
> MidiGetVersion : MidiShare is not installed
> Try, as root, 
> # service MidiShare start
> Fernando, could you send me any modification you have made in omlinux
> spec file, so I could put them on CVS.

Sure, I'll do that today. 

There is also a problem in the midishare package that I had not detected
before, the device file is not being store in the proper place. If after
starting MidiShare it still does not work check to see if you have
/dev/MidiShare. If not, create it by executing (as root):
  /dev/MAKEDEV midishare

I'll release fixed packages later today. 
I know there is another omlinux release in the works, let me know as
soon as it is available. 

-- Fernando

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