[PlanetCCRMA] AGNULA Libre Music project officially launched

The AGNULA Team info at agnula.org
Wed Feb 25 09:40:02 PST 2004

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     [Sorry for cross-posting.  Feel free to forward around]

Florence, 23 Feb 2004

+++ AGNULA Libre Music officially launched

The AGNULA IST-Project [0] is proud, after two months of feedback from
our beta-testers and hacking, to officially announce the launch of the
"Libre Music" (aka the "muzik" project).


The AGNULA IST-Project [0] is proud, after two months of feedback from
our beta-testers and hacking, to officially announce the launch of the
"Libre Music" (aka "muzik") project:


One of the  objectives  of the AGNULA-IST   project is help  spreading
sensibility  on the topics of  Libre Software, with specific attention
paid  to audio/video applications  and content distribution.  In order
to  reach this  goal, the AGNULA-IST   project has set  up a  publicly
accessible database of Libre Music, i.e.  musical works licensed under

  - the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 license [1]

  - the Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 license [2]

  - the EFF Open Audio License 1.0.1 [3]

We are  not  going to compete  with  other, similar, efforts.   On the
contrary, we   would   like    to     be complementary  to       other
projects/databases who are already working  or are planning to work in
the  same field.

If you  want  to contribute to  our development  effort, feel  free to
subscribe [4] to our development portal [5] and ask  either one of the
`muzik' project  [6]  administrators  (Davide Fugazza [7]  and  Andrea
Glorioso [8]) to be  added to the project  - you will  be able to use
our CVS, bug tracking and task manager tools.

If you, your company and/or your organization is interested in sharing
its  archives of  Libre Music by  publishing it  on AGNULA Libre Music
database  and/or if you want  further  information, feel  free to send
your questions, suggestions and/or criticisms to:

  <users at lists.agnula.org> [9]

for general discussion, and/or to:

  <info at agnula.org>

for general, info-line style questions on the AGNULA project.


About  AGNULA: Agnula (acronym    for A GNU/Linux  Audio distribution,
pronounced with  a strong g)  is the name of a  project  funded by the
European Commission  (number of  contract: IST-2001-34879;  key action
IV.3.3, Free  Software: towards the  critical mass).  The project aims
to spread Free Software in the professional audio/video arena.

Best regards,

The AGNULA Team                                   info at agnula.org
Our mailing lists:                        http://lists.agnula.org/
Our web site:                               http://www.agnula.org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

[0]  http://www.agnula.org
[1]  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/1.0/legalcode
[2]  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/1.0/legalcode
[3]  http://www.eff.org/IP/Open_licenses/eff_oal.php
[4]  http://devel.agnula.org/account/register.php
[5]  http://devel.agnula.org/
[6]  http://devel.agnula.org/projects/muzik/
[7]  davide [dot] fugazza [at] agnula [dot] org
[8]  andrea [dot] glorioso [at] agnula [dot] org
[9]  http://lists.agnula.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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