[PlanetCCRMA] Fluidsynth can't talk to JACK

Peter Howard pjh at coastal.net.au
Thu Feb 19 17:48:01 PST 2004

This is on FC1.  jack 0.94, qjackctl 0.2.5, fluidsynth 1.0.3, and qsynth

I use qjackctl to start jack, then qsynth to start fluidsynth.  But I
keep getting the following error out of qsynth:

"Failed to create the audio driver (jack).Cannot continue without it."

No further information, no messages from jack.  However if I start
fluidsynth as an alsa client rather than jack (as described on the
qsynth homepage), it starts fine and I can access it from other programs
via alsa.

Clearly there's something wrong with my jack setup.  Suggestions?

Peter Howard
pjh at coastal.net.au
Jabber Id: pjhacnau at 12jabber.com
AIM Id: pjhacnau
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