[PlanetCCRMA] Can't record audio with Muse

Olaf Giesbrecht Olaf_Giesbrecht@Yahoo.de
Fri Feb 20 00:41:02 2004

1) you can not selet an input-port yet ! this field is always empty...

2) to record with muse you have to follow this steps:
- create a new track
- change this track to audio
- go to the muse-audio-mixer and select the track in the left (red)
channelstrip (input/recording)
- go back to the arrange window and activate the track by pushing the
red buttom on the left side of the track

now it should work !

hope you can understand this in my bad english...



Am Fre, 2004-02-20 um 08.53 schrieb Steve Haynal:
> Hi,
> I can't record audio with Muse. I have jack running and see that that 
> both audio and midi input/output are connected to muse. Under muse 
> Config/Audio System I see that Use Jack is selected as the audio driver, 
> and the sample rates, etc. match what I see in jack. When I create an 
> audio track and view the track info, there are no possible selections 
> for the Input Route. How do I select a particular channel to record from?
> Thanks,
> Steve Haynal
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