[PlanetCCRMA] Re: [Community_studios] latest update

proclus at gnu-darwin.org proclus at gnu-darwin.org
Mon Feb 16 13:10:02 PST 2004

On  7 Feb, tom poe wrote:
> With that in mind, can anyone break out the part about "make the
> recording", in terms of the following:
> 1] turn the computer on
> 2] bring up the first app to be used to make the recording
> 3] bring up the second app to be used to play back the recording
> 4] save the file in appropriate formats
> 5] possibly create the musical score that can be printed out
> Step two should be multiple steps, right?  In other words, I need to
> create the rhythm section and save that file, and use it with step 3?

I don't know if you got anywhere with this, (and sorry for the delay,
as I've been out of town).  I use a combination of sox and snd to do
steps 1-4.  Snd is a very powerful GUI audio editor from CCRMA.  Here is
the link.


With RH8.0, it is possible that you won't need sox.


Visit proclus realm! http://proclus.tripod.com/
Version: 3.1
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