[PlanetCCRMA] qjackctl (was: xmms-jack 0.7)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Feb 5 17:17:01 PST 2004

> > BTW, as I have you "online", I have a suggestion (I bet you have tons)
> > for qjackctl. Would it be possible to have something you could use like
> > this:
> >
> >    qjackctl ardour
> >
> > If qjackctl (and jack inside it) is already running just exec ardour, if
> > not start qjackctl and the jack server and _then_ exec ardour :-)
> >
> > Or maybe a separate small program?
> >   qjackctl-client ardour
> > (same semantics).
> >
> Nice feature, I like it :) I'll just add a few notes, only to see IIUC:
> Whenever jackd is already started, the command line argument it's executed
> (e.g. ardour) but qjackctl bails out immediately after that. The default
> behaviour has been entering in client-only mode, which still does if no
> argument is given. 

I had not thought of this situation... Maybe qjackctk should start
itself but just once. That is, if qjackctl finds that qjackctl is
already running and jackd is already running then it bails out (but
starts the app first, of course), otherwise it starts itself (and
"attaches" to the already running jackd if one is found, otherwise
starts jackd as well, same as "-s"). This would be good (that the
qjackctl's gui appears) because then the user has a patchbay ready to

> This way one avoids having several GUI instances for
> qjackctl, if your wish is to wrap jackd pre-activation for just-in-time
> desktop jack applications ;)

Yup, you got it! :-)
I was thinking (again!!) on the best way to add menu entries for jack
apps and started along the line of "well, a script could be written that
checks for..." and so on. And then I thought "Qjackctl!!" :-)

> In all occasions when such an argument is present, 

Hmmm, and all following args, I guess, which should be passed to the
application, right?

> the -s/--server
> command-line option is implied, therefore qjackctl and jackd are
> immediately started and only after that the given argument will be
> spawned. In this case, qjackctl shows up as usual.

Sounds right. 
-- Fernando

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