[PlanetCCRMA] Re: PlanetCCRMA digest, Vol 1 #1034 - 11 msgs

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 30 22:58:02 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 12:12, Michele Spinolo wrote:
> > Another Fedora Core 3 kernel update, release 2.3.rdt :-)
> >
> > This one is the same kernel as before (release 2.2.rdt), with the export
> > gpl symbols patch applied (I think) for the benefit of those of you that
> > depend on video binary drivers. It should work as well (or as bad) as
> > the 2.2.rdt release in all other respects. I have not tested it with
> > those drivers so I have no idea if they will work, or even compile.
> >
> > Another bunch of packages added to Fedora Core 3: bitscope, jaaa,
> > jackmix, fluidsynth, qsynth, pd.
> >
> > Enjoy!
> > -- Fernando
> Great Fernando!
> Now it's time to release AlmusVCU rpm: we (actually I, I think :-P) really
> want it with latest&and best-super-patched kernel!:-)
> It's soooo looooong it's on TODO list!:-)

I know, but as hal9000 said in 2001 (the movie):
  "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"[*]

# bin/todofrom2
=== finding all existing packages for fedora 2
    273 /build/status/fedora-2
=== finding all existing packages for fedora 3
    144 /build/status/fedora-3
=== missing packages:
    114 /build/status/missing

So, I still have a lot of things to do on fc3 (and fc2 is not even
complete! :-)

More seriously, almusvcu does not make me happy as I have to add more
kernel modules to the repository.....

-- Fernando

[*] I don't remember if it was Dave Philips or some other, unimportant,
Dave. Just in case, Dave (Philips), don't try to disconnect your
computer, specially if you have a friend named Frank involved in the
disconnection attempt, you could get into trouble :-)

(old old link, funny anyway, that is, if you're old enough)

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