[PlanetCCRMA] FC2: ccrma and ATrpms libxslt conflict issue

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Dec 30 22:38:01 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 18:25, Brad Fuller wrote:
> I was trying to get my system in order (so that I could upgrade to the
> new kernel) and when I "dist-upgrade" I get a conflict:
> file /usr/lib/libexslt.so.0 from install of libxslt-1.1.12-2 

This one appears to be the official update from fedora. 

> conflicts with file from package libxslt1-1.1.11-0_6.rhfc2.at

And this is from atrpms. 

> How can I resolve this?  Have I messed up my system with adding ATrpms
> repository? I've commented it out for this.

This is strange. Both packages have the same name (libxslt), and
1.1.12-2 is clearly newer (from the point of view of rpm) than
1.1.11-0_6 (what you have installed currently). So the upgrade should
happen with no questions asked, and obviously, being the same package,
files should overlap. 

What do you get if you try to install libxslt explicitly?
  apt-get install libxslt

-- Fernando

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