[PlanetCCRMA] udpated: fc2 kernel/jack, muse for fc1/rh9, new fc3 packages

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Dec 28 12:52:01 PST 2004

Latest news...

New kernel released for Fedora Core 2, same version, release and
features as the current Fedora Core 3 kernel (it is in the planetcore
repository, not planetedge, and includes a full ALSA subsystem release,
planetccrma-core packages and the rtload and rtirq startup scripts). 

NOTE and WARNING: if you are happy with your current Fedora Core 2
kernel and ALSA subsystem there is no need to upgrade. Just comment out
the planetcore line in your sources.list file and live happily
everafter. Otherwise the kernel and ALSA subsystem will be upgraded
through the planetccrma-core meta packages (see the 12/24/2004 notes on
the online Changelog for more details). 

After you test the new kernel you can safely deactivate and erase (if
you installed it) the /etc/rc.d/init.d/realcap startup script as the
name of the realtime kernel module has changed (from ``realcap'' to
``realtime'',) and there are now startup scripts for module load
(rtload) and IRQ tuning (rtirq) that should have been installed and
activated as part of the planetccrma-core upgrade. 

* jack-audio-connection-kit updated to version 0.99.36-0.1.cvs on Fedora
Core 2 (from CVS, matches the current version in Fedora Core 3 - it
seems to have better behavior with the newer kernels than the latest
stable release of Jack). 

* muse updated to version 0.7.0-1 on Fedora Core 1 and RedHat 9. Not
much testing done (this depends on a newer version of qt, provided
through the qt33 package). 

* new fc3 packages released yesterday: tapiir, mxml, zynaddsubfx,
vkeybd, pmidi, sooperlooper.

-- Fernando

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