[PlanetCCRMA] fc3: kernel update

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Dec 27 19:04:01 PST 2004

Hi all, just released and already an update :-) Due to a security
privilege scalation bug I have released new fc3 kernels with an
appropriate patch. I learned about this issue through a post from Frank
Barknecht in the linux-audio-devel list. An "apt-get update" "apt-get
dist-upgrade" should bring the upgrade in through the planetccrma-core

I have also added two meta packages that only install the kernel, rtload
and rtirq, the alsa kernel modules and the alsa-driver package. Those
should help if you want to mix Planet CCRMA with other repositories that
may have "newer" (according to the rpm internal comparison of version
and release numbers) versions of alsa-lib and other alsa-* packages. The
names of the packages are "planetccrma-kernel" and

Upgrade and enjoy!

(this delayed the release of the fc2 kernels, I'm not going to release
something that I _know_ is buggy. I'll probably rebuild overnight and
release tomorrow). 

-- Fernando

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