[PlanetCCRMA] Suggestions

Sean Edwards cybersean3000 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 26 18:44:01 PST 2004

First of all, apologies for the long posting.

Although I am new to the list, I am an old hand with
computers and MIDI.

My current MIDI set up is the following:
Alesis Data Disk
Alesis HR 16 Drum Synth
ART Multiverb
Yamaha MC 8 MIDI Patch Bay
(2) Yamaha TX81Z Rack Synth Modules
(2) Akai Rack Samplers

My project for 2005 is to replace the list above (or
as much as possible) with a rack mounted music/audio
workstation for live performance.  Hauling all this
equipment to play live every weekend takes up too much
space, and takes too long to set up and tear down.

The main requirement centers around what the Data Disk
does.  The data disk is a real-time record and
play-back sequencer.  With my ART X-11 foot pedal, I
can load a song from the Data Disk, play a song, and
have it change the guitar effects during the song. 
All I have to do is play guitar and sing.

So, if anybody has done any of the following, I would
be interested in your experience:

1) Sequencer (Rosegarden, Muse, etc) receives MIDI
program change to load a song (or project)

2) Use something like Jack with ecasound/ecamegapedal
for guitar effects

3) Store multiple guitar effects models in a sequencer
project, to have the sequencer change models during
play back

4) Use an external MIDI controller to control
attriutes of the guitar effects.

Thank you for the help,

-=Sean Edwards=-
cybersean3000 at yahoo.com

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