[PlanetCCRMA] added: planet ho ho ho!

Louis van Dompselaar louis at dompselaar.org
Sat Dec 25 00:50:02 PST 2004

A big thank you to Fernando for this Christmas present!
As someone 'forced' to use 2.6 (2.4 just won't see my SATA controller) I
upgraded to FC3 since I couldn't get the Planet running smoothly
on FC2.  Yes, I decided to do without it for a bit, but couldn't resist
trying it on FC3 right away...

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> rpm -Uvh
> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetccrma/3/i386/apt-0.5.15cnc6-2.rhfc3.i386.rpm

This does not seem to exist.  But I got an apt from freshrpms and 'guessed' the
sources.list (i.e. changed planetccrma '2' to '3')

> Then:
>   apt-get update
>   apt-get install planetccrma-core

Major clash with atrpms alsa updates.  Yes, I know, that's my own fault ;-)
Removed the atrpms rpms and everything was fine after that.

>   reboot
>   select new kernel from grub screen
>   cross your fingers

No need.  Clean boot first time!

> Voila, you should have jack up and running......

Indeed I have.  Now checking out the rest before going off to the family dinners...

Thanks again


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