[PlanetCCRMA] [OT] Radeon Mobility 9700 on FC2

Matthew Allen mtallen at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 07:03:00 PST 2004

cool!, Ill take a look and see if I can get it going.

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:40:23 +0000, Jamie Bullock <jamie at postlude.co.uk> wrote:
> After many hours of hunting, I found a kernel module (RPM), and a fglrx
> driver (RPM) at livna.org (I now love livna). Installing these works
> fine with a 2.6.9 FC2 kernel and xorg. The 3D performance still isn't
> perfect, but DRI is now enabled, and glxgears gives me 1400 FPS (7 times
> what I had with the radeon module). This is good enough for me.
> However, the kernel module is only available in binary form, so although
> installation is simple, it is only available for certain kernels i.e.
> not planetccrma. I guess it's time to compile my own.
> Jamie
> On Tue, 2004-12-14 at 21:55, Matthew Allen wrote:
> > You should look again.  The 3.14.6 drivers do not support DRI or 3d
> > acceleration under xorg.  And many people in the rage3d.com forums
> > feel that 3d acceleration doesn't quite work properly even under
> > xfree.  You may have better luck than I did though. (I have been
> > trying to figure out their support for about a month)
> >
> > m.
> >

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