[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma on multiple machines

Barton Bosch bartonbosch at SoftHome.net
Mon Dec 13 23:11:01 PST 2004

Jamie Bullock wrote:
> Dear list,
> I currently run FC2/planetccrma on both my desktop and my laptop, and
> keep these up-to-date separately using synaptic/apt. To save on
> bandwidth (and time), I would like to download new packages on one of
> the machines, and have the other machine obtain its packages from there.
> What would people recommend as being the most elegant way of doing this?

Elegant I don't know about, though you can just use rsync to copy 
the RPMs from one machine to the other over an ethernet connection. 
  Then run an apt-get update on the destination machine and, presto.


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